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Spark a Life.... !

It takes one connection to change the pathway of a child. Be the light to a child with a darkened life.



Through trained Intensive Support Families, Bluewater provides family-based, individualized, responsive, safe, and trauma-sensitive (FIRST) care for troubled children. At Bluewater, there is an uncommon commitment from staff and Intensive Support Parents to caring for troubled children and youth in family homes. While family may have torn them apart, we believe only family can put them back together.  

Our foster families are the 'real' experts in the care of our children.  We are there for them.

Bluewater knows how to help children...

Bluewater cares...



Both Bluewater programs are intended for children whose needs are not adequately addressed by the public child welfare system. Our programs are co-ed: about 45% are girls, 55% boys.  The average youth's age on admission to a Bluewater program is almost 10 with an ACE score of 3 or greater.

Children in the specialized placement program (FIRST) typically have quite unique needs. They are often children with multiple, co-morbid issues. Frequently, youngsters in the specialized placement program struggle with attachment concerns and issues of emotional regulation.  Our FIRST youngsters may have developmental challenges and/or physical handicaps that  are difficult to address in public child welfare. In a few words, they are the youngsters for whom public child welfare has struggled to provide a satisfactory out of home placement.  We have admitted newborn, drug-addicted infants to this program. We have admitted teenaged autistic youngsters with mental health concerns to this program. Children in this program often have problems functioning and struggle to face the significant family issues. They are frequently young people with impaired attachments to others, and beleaguered, easily exhausted, social competencies.   The FIRST program provides specialized placements for a wide range of youngsters and their concerns.


40 Queen's Square

Suite 103

Tilbury, Ontario  N0P 2L0


T: 519.294.6213

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